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Save the Date: Beef Week Potential Steer Sale on October 18, 2023, at Lismore Sale Yards!

An Unmissable Event for Show Steer and Heifer Enthusiasts

Attention beef industry aficionados, schools, and steer exhibitors! The Beef Week Potential Steer Sale is on the horizon, and it promises an exceptional experience for everyone involved. Taking place on October 18, 2023, at the Lismore Sale Yards, this event is set to be a game-changer.

Event Details at a Glance

  • Date: October 18, 2023
  • Time: Around 11 to 11:30 am, following the weekly fat sale
  • Venue: Lismore Sale Yards
  • Sponsors: Maloney Livestock Transport and Riverina Stockfeed

Why Attend?

For Buyers and Sellers

  • Open to any Steers or Heifers of show quality
  • Sold on a $ per head basis
  • Steers must arrive at Lismore Sale Yards by 9 am on the event day
  • Judging commences at 10 am with prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
  • The buyer of the highest-priced steer receives a ton of XLR8 pellets
  • Steers and heifers bought at this event will be eligible for $1500 worth of prizes at Casino Beef Week 2024

For Schools and Juniors

  • Junior competitors under 18 can participate in both junior and open classes
  • A special Schools Champion Steer category
  • Inclusion of new heifer classes for 2024

Get Involved

The sale falls on a day just before the Lismore North Coast National show, offering the perfect chance for exhibitors to take their new steers home right away.

Have Show-Ready Steers or Heifers to Sell?
Don’t miss this opportunity. Contact your local agent to list your animals. The slots are limited, and the stakes are high.

The Future is Bright: Casino Beef Week 2024

We’re already looking forward to Casino Beef Week 2024, which promises an enriching experience with its diverse program. We’re introducing new heifer classes, both for open exhibitors and school/junior classes. With nearly $40,000 in prize money, evenly distributed across multiple categories, there’s something for everyone to look forward to!

Thanks to our Principal Partners

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